Anyone with one or more missing teeth or anyone at risk of losing teeth. Age and medical history are very rarely contra-indications; however, young adults need to have finished growing. I will assess this when a referral is made and go through this with patients.
There are some situations that allow for a tooth to be removed, an implant to be placed immediately and a temporary crown or bridge placed at the same appointment. When this is not possible, I will advise on the different temporary options that would be suitable.
Ideally before the tooth has been extracted, as there are certain techniques that can be carried out at the time of extraction that simplify the implant treatment. I will advise you and the patient what the options are and which will give the best chance of success.
There are many tissue augmentation procedures that can replace or substitute for lost bone or gum tissue. These are now a routine part of implant treatment. Before treating a patient, if I am concerned about the height and width of the bone I will require the patient to have a cone beam CT scan of the area.
Yes. I can place the implant and I will give you my recommendation about the final restoration, as well as the components you will need to order . If you would like I am happy to discuss the procedure with you.
This can be anywhere from 10 weeks to 6 months depending on primary stability and bone quality.
I can help you in a number of ways. You can come into my practice and watch me carry out a similar procedure or run through the treatment you will need to do on dummy models (it’s even possible to bring your patient to my practice to treat them, so you have all the equipment and back up on hand). I can come to your practice and be on hand when you treat your first few cases or I can ask the implant company to support you. I also run small hands on courses in my practice for restoring implants and my team of nurses can help train your nurse in supporting you.
Any patient that you monitor as having any bone loss around an implant, should be seen and treated as soon as possible to improve success rates of peri-implantitis treatments.
I feel that these implants result in good gingival health and bone level stability; however, I will place other implants provided they are the best solution for the patient.
I am qualified to use oral sedation and if intravenous sedation is required I use an anaesthetist.
I always call the patients on the evening of the procedure, to ensure they have no problems and review the post-op. I am also available to them on my mobile phone throughout the treatment. I review patients as required until they are ready to be restored. I also like to review them 6-12 months after they are restored (this is included in the initial treatment fee).
ou can call me or just click here for the online referral form.
"You explained the whole process clearly at the outset with a detailed step-by-step plan of what was to happen at each stage. After that it all went like clockwork..." - GB -